
Presentation of Credentials to the Emperor of Japan as Saint Vincent and the Grenadines’s Non-Resident Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Japan.


En route to presenting her Credentials to the Emperor of Japan as Saint Vincent and the Grenadines’s Non-Resident Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Japan, H.E. Andrea Bowman had the opportunity to meet with Japan’s Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. MORI Takeo on Tuesday 30th August, 2022, and Japan’s State Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. TAKEI Shunsuke on Thursday 1st September, 2022. On Saturday 2nd September, 2022, Ambassador Bowman presented her Credentials to His Majesty Emperor Hironomiya Naruhito of Japan at The Imperial Palace. Minister Counsellor Wilson was Ambassador Bowman’s suite at this hallowed ceremony which was attended by Ministers of the government of Japan and Officials of the Imperial Household. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines officially established diplomatic relations with Japan on the 15th April, 1980.